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Program & Advocacy

Key Deadlines  LWVOR 2025-2026 Program Planning

Feb. 1 2025  Program Recommendations Due to LWVOR (three months before Convention)
Feb - Mar 2025  LWVOR Board develops Proposed Program reflecting input from Leagues
May 2025  LWVOR Convention delegates adopt 2023-2024 Program after debate and discussion


2025 Program Planning Files

2025 LWVOR Program Planning: Proposing New Studies
2025 LWVOR Program Planning: Existing Programs Review
(Members only - Login Required)

For over 100 years, the League of Women Voters has been an influential voice on issues such as election reform, ethics in leadership, transportation, education, land use, civil rights, and more.

All League work is guided by Principles, or concepts of government, adopted by the LWVUS Convention and supported by the League as a whole. These Principles are the basis for authorizing adoption of national, state and local Program.

The Leagues's Program defines the education and advocacy platform which the LWV Oregon and LWV Deschutes adopt to advance their purpose. League Program consists of Action to implement established principles and Study of governmental issues chosen for concerted study and action.

All League action is based upon our public policy positions, which are developed through consensus discussions by members, after a thorough study of the issues.


program planning, league members decide where we could be most effective and which issues most deserve our time and efforts. For the league, “program” means “those issues impacted by government and chosen by members for concerted study and action."

Every two years before the LWV Oregon convention, local Leagues hold program planning meetings in which the members review current positions, readopt or drop them, and/or make recommendations for studying new issues to establish positions. They can also recommend restudies of some issues, if our advocacy positions don’t fully address current problems. 



In program planning, members review our advocacy positions to decide how they can be used for action at the local government level, as well as in the Oregon Legislature, or with the U.S. Congress.

Members recommend issues to address, new studies to undertake, or changes to current LWV advocacy positions.

If new advocacy is needed, members may recommend an in-depth study of the issues.

Please view the What Is Program slideshow to understand exactly how an idea becomes advocacy and makes democracy work for all of us.

Check out the Oregon LWV's Program Planning site for more information (