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Petitions & Signatures




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What Are Petitions?

Initiative, Referral, Referendum ~ know your power! Registered voters can shape Oregon's laws by signing petitions that matter. Signing a petition isn't just a signature - it's a chance to influence change. Make your signature count, choose wisely!
Understand petitions before you sign!

Petitions can send decisions to ballots as ballot measures, if enough certified signatures are collected. "Certification" is randomly sampling petitions, comparing signatures in the Oregon Certified Voter Registration (OCVR) database.


INITIATIVE ~ Registered voters can put issues on ballots to change laws, Oregon Revised Statutes, or to amend the Oregon State Constitution. 
REFERRAL ~ The Legislature can refer an undecided issue or a bill they passed to voters for approval. Any bills that amend the Oregon Constitution must be referred to voters and do not require petition signatures. 
Registered voters can try to reject (veto) bills passed by the Legislature by petitioning to put a referendum on the ballot. A referendum may only be filed once a bill is passed in both legislative chambers and has either been signed by the Governor or the Governor's veto deadline has elapsed. Note: A referendum petition allows voters to adopt or reject any non Emergency Act or part of a non Emergency Act.

Ever wonder how many signatures it takes to make change in Oregon?
Statewide petitions need votes equivalent to the last Governor's race.

Look Up Who Is Behind It

Chief Petitioners are listed on the Oregon Secretary of State Initiative, Referendum, and Referral Search page.
Chief Petitioners and funders of ballot measures are not required to be Oregonians.
Search ORESTAR for ballot measure, candidate, and political action committee (PAC) officially filling and financial information.